Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Hello then Goodbye" is what I say to England!!

I was in England for two months, then I left again. I had plans to travel to the Cape of Good Hope and to Madagascar. While on our ship we were hit with a monsoon and it drew us off course. We landed somewhere unknown. We got off the boat for a while and walked around so we could maybe find out where we were. When I went back over to the boat I was shocked to see it pulling away, I tried to stop it, but there was no hope! I was stuck! I then walked around some more and I saw a giant, so I ran as fast as I could!! The farther I ran, the more I saw about this island. I found out that I was a midget surrounded by a lot of giants. When I was found, I was in a field that was being harvested. I was taken to a farmer, that I figure was like the head farmer. He was very confused when he saw me. The farmer did feed me dinner and treated me very well. I took a short nap in the mistresses bed after dinner and was woke up to two rats attacking me! I defended myself with my "hanger" or sword. I made it all by myself. That night I slept in the daughters baby doll crib so I could fit and not be bothered. The farmer was telling everyone about me and so there were always people stopping by to see me. One man told the farmer to take me into town and show me off. So I went to town and did tricks for the people to see. I started losing a lot of weight and not being fed as much. I was taken to the Queens palace to perform for her and she loved me so much that she bought me for 1,000 pieces of gold. I convinced the Queen to also let Gludamich live at the palace too. Gludamitch and I got a very nice apartment at the palace. The one dwarf in the palace did not like me, so he did everything he could to kill me, which didn't work. Bromdingnag is an interesting place geographically. The kingdom is bounded one side with water and one side with mountains. I am carried around the town in a "traveling box", therefore people know it is me. There is a few downfalls to being small in this town. One is that many mishaps happen to me. I am invited to many women's apartments and I am so not happy there! The Queen did get me a boat though for my size and I can row in around. A monkey came into our palace and it was very rambunctious It jumped on me and hurt me very bad, so I had to stay in bed for two weeks until I got better.
I always told the King about England and the customs of it. He thought England was an insignificant place.I tried to tell him the really good things about it, but he was convinced the good wasn't true. I found out (on my own) the people of Bromdingnag are ignorant and uneducated. I was tired of this place and decided to get a ship and I just started traveling. I go to a shore in my box and I was swept up by a hawk. I found myself in the box and hearing men talking. The box I was in was tied to a boat. The men on the boat were, thankfully, my size. I was so glad to be free and finally home. I told my wife this time, I was never going to go out to sea again! 
Til next time, 
Lemeul Gulliver

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